Adding a Calendar Item in NetSuite for Android

Follow this procedure to add an item to your calendar.

To add a calendar item:

  1. Tap the Navigation Menu icon Screenshot of the NetSuite for Android Navigation Menu icon, and then tap Calendar.

  2. Navigate to the date you want to add the calendar item to.

  3. Tap the Add icon Screenshot of the NetSuite for Android Add icon.


    Tapping the day in the calendar view below the Calendar Navigation bar has the same effect.

  4. Select the type of item you want to add from the following options:

    • Event

    • Phone Call

    • Task

  5. Fill out the required information for your item. This may vary depending on the type of item you choose.

  6. To add the item to your calendar, tap the Tick icon Screenshot of the NetSuite for Android Tick icon.

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