Quality Inspection Sampling for CSV

The CSV upload functionality enables you to capture large volumes of sample data. When an inspection definition requires more that 25 samples, the Quality Management tablet interface creates a pre-formatted Excel template to help you collect sample data offline. By uploading data offline, the tablet speed and responsiveness is not compromised. Uploading data directly into the tablet interface speeds data transfer with little interruption to tablet usage.

To configure the row count threshold to enable the CSV upload option for sample data, see Configuring Sample Row Threshold for CSV.

Quality engineers are then notified in their dashboard or by email if errors are encountered during data upload so they can address the problem in-line or re-import the data set. If you re-import the data set, the previous upload is erased, and the list is refreshed. This solution supports up to 8 MB of data.

For more information, see Uploading Data Using CSV in the Quality Management Tablet Interface.

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