Use Case For Applying a Promotion to Your Sales Order

To apply a promotion to a sales order, provide the ID value to the promocode field.

You can do this when you create a new sales order or when you make an update to an existing sales order.

Applying a Promotion to a Sales Order

          POST {{REST_SERVICES}}/record/v1/salesOrder

    "entity": {
        "id": "110"
    "promocode": { "id": 1 },
    "item": {
        "items": [
                "item": {
                    "id": 98
                "quantity": 1


Apply a Discount Item to a Sales Order

If you have a discount item you want to apply to a sales order, you can either add in the discount item when you create a new sales order or when you make an update to an existing sales order. For the discountitem id, you specify the internal ID of the discount item.

Applying a Discount Item When Creating a New Sales Order

            POST {{REST_SERVICES}}/record/v1/salesOrder

    "entity": {
        "id": "110"
    "discountitem": { "id": 99 };
    "item": {
        "items": [
                "item": {
                    "id": 98
                "quantity": 1


Applying a Discount Item When Updating an Existing Sales Order

            PATCH {{REST_SERVICES}}/record/v1/salesOrder/{{SALES_ORDER_ID}}

    "discountitem": { "id": 99 }


Related Topics

Sales Order Use Cases
Use Case For Creating Your Sales Order
Use Case For Retrieving Your Sales Order
Use Case For Updating Your Sales Order
Use Case For Approving Your Sales Order
Use Case For Fulfilling Your Sales Order
Use Case For Creating Invoices or Cash Sales from Your Sales Order
Use Case For Creating a Progress Sales Order
Use Case For Deleting a Sales Order

General Notices