Prerequisites for Using Multi-Language

Complete the following tasks to set up a multi-language site. Complete them in the listed order. Skipping one or attempting to complete them in a different order can result in setup issues.

  1. Enabling Multiple Languages

  2. Configuring Multiple Languages

  3. Updating Your Item and Commerce Category Translations

  4. Updating Your Website Settings

  5. Creating the Language Specific Domain

  6. Setting Up the Locale for the New Domain

  7. Updating Your Translations for Landing Pages

  8. Updating Your Translations for Website Content

  9. Configuring the Foreign Language Domains

Enabling Multiple Languages

The first task is to enable foreign languages in your account. This setting affects all solutions in NetSuite, including sales orders and email. If this setting is not enabled, you cannot proceed with the multi-language setup.

To enable multiple languages for your company:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  2. Under the International subtab, check the Multi-Language box.

  3. Click Save.

Configuring Multiple Languages

This task lets you choose any of the available languages in NetSuite for translations. The link provided in step 3 of the following procedure details all available options for the NetSuite user interface and for the visitors to your site.

To configure the languages for your website:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences.

  2. On the Languages subtab, from the dropdown list, select and add all the preferred languages for your NetSuite account and website.

  3. Click Save. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Languages.

Updating Your Item and Commerce Category Translations

After completing the first two tasks, you now need to update your items and commerce categories for your foreign language. Use your existing CSV import files and update them to include the new languages. Use the CSV Import tool in the NetSuite administration to upload the new translations.

For item imports, see Item Sublists Available for Import.

For commerce category imports, see Commerce Category Import.

Updating Your Website Settings

This task lets you choose which of your configured languages are available to your customers.

To update your website settings:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Web Site List.

  2. Click Edit beside the website you want to update.

  3. Click the Shopping subtab.

  4. Click the Languages subtab.

  5. Check the Online box next to each language you want to display on your site. This automatically begins a reindex of your site.

  6. Click Save.

Creating the Language Specific Domain

Next you will create a language specific domain for the languages you selected in the previous task.

To create your new language specific domain:

  1. Go to Commerce > Hosting > Domains > New.

  2. Enter a name in Domain Name. Ensure the new domain name indicates the specific language.

  3. Ensure the information and settings match your website. For more information, see Domains.

  4. Click Save.


You must redeploy all extensions, themes, and custom content types for the new domain.

Setting Up the Locale for the New Domain

Next you must configure the locale for each language specific domain. The locale uses a four character code to indicate the combination of the language and the country or region for that language. For example, for Spanish in Spain, the locale code is es_ES. For a list of locale codes, see translation.Locale.

To setup the locale for the new domain:

  1. Go to Commerce > Web Sites > Configuration.

  2. Select the website and domain, and click Configure.

  3. Click Multi-Domain.

  4. Click Hosts.

  5. Complete the empty fields and click Add.

  6. Click Save.

Updating Your Translations for Landing Pages

You have two options for updating the translations for your landing pages. You can use your existing CSV import files and update them to include the new languages. Use the CSV Import tool in the NetSuite administration to upload the new translations. See CMS Page Import.

You can also use Site Management Tools to update the translations for your landing pages. For details, see Multi-Language Support for Landing Pages.

Updating Your Translations for Website Content

To update website content, you must use Site Management tools. For more information, see Multi-Language Support for Website Content.

Configuring the Foreign Language Domains

Performing the following task completes the configuration for each of your selected languages. Your translations for any commerce categories, content, or pages are not displayed to visitors until this procedure is completed. This also enables access to the new language domains in the language selector on the website.

To configure the foreign language domains for your website:

  1. Go to Commerce > Web Sites > Configuration.

  2. Select the website from the Select Website list.

  3. Select the domain from the Select Domain list.

  4. Click Save.

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