Implement end of month sales order promotions

This sample is a user event script that implements end of month sales order promotions.

The conversion of this script from SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 includes the following:

SuiteScript 1.0 Script

SuiteScript 2.0 Script

                    function customizeUI_SalesOrderBeforeLoad(type, form) {
  var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
  if (type == 'create' && currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface')
    var fieldId = 'custpage_eom_promotion';
    var fieldLabel = 'Eligible EOM promotion';
    var today = new Date();
    var month = today.getMonth();
    var date = today.getDate();

    nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'month date', month + ' ' + date);
    if (month==1)
      if (date==24 | date==25 | date==26 | date==27 | date==28 | date==29)
      form.addField(fieldId, 'checkbox', fieldLabel);
    //31-day months
    else if (month==0 | month==2 | month ==4 | month==6 | month==7 | month==9 | month==11)
      if ( date==27 | date==28 | date==29 | date==30 | date==31)
      form.addField(fieldId, 'checkbox', fieldLabel);
    //30-day months
      if ( date==26 | date==27 | date==28 | date==29 | date==30)
      form.addField(fieldId, 'checkbox', fieldLabel);

 * @NApiVersion 2.0
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript

define (['N/currentRecord', 'N/runtime', 'N/ui/serverWidget'], function (currentRecord, runtime, serverWidget) {
    function customUI_SalesOrderBeforeLoad(context) {
        if (context.UserEventType === context.UserEventType.CREATE) {
            if (runtime.executionContext === runtime.ContextType.USEREVENT) {
                var fieldId = 'custpage_eom_promotion';
                var fieldLabel = 'Eligible EOM promotion';
                var today = new Date();
                var month = today.getMonth();
                var date = today.getDate();

                    title: 'month date',
                    details: month + ' ' + date

                // February
                if (month === 1) {
                    if (date === 24 | date === 25 | date === 26 | date === 27 | date === 28 | date === 29) {
                            id: fieldId,
                            label: fieldLabel,
                            type: serverWidget.FieldType.CHECKBOX
                // 31-day months
                } else if (month === 0 | month === 2 | month === 4 | month === 6 | month === 7 |
                           month === 9 | month === 11) {
                    if (date === 27 | date === 28 | date === 29 | date === 30 | date === 31) {
                            id: fieldId,
                            label: fieldLabel,
                            type: serverWidget.FieldType.CHECKBOX
                } else {
                    if (date === 26 | date ===27 | date === 28 | date === 29 | date === 30) {
                            id: fieldId,
                            label: fieldLabel,
                            type: serverWidget.FieldType.CHECKBOX

    return {
        beforeLoad: customUI_SalesOrderBeforeLoad


General Notices