Patch Overrides Not Visible in DeployDistribution Folder

Developers working with the 2018.2 release of SuiteCommerce Advanced may not be able to confirm updates to local files after successfully deploying a patch that includes an override. If you deploy a patch that overrides a file in the SspLibraries@sc-2018.2.0 module, after a successful patch deployment you should see updates from the patch in the ssp_libraries.js file in the DeployDistribution folder. However, due to this issue the updates are not visible despite successful deployment.

This issue has been fixed in the 2019.1 and subsequent releases of SuiteCommerce Advanced. If you experience this issue and cannot migrate to the latest release, you can fix this issue as described in the following steps.

  1. Open the following file: .../gulp/tasks/ssp-libraries.js

  2. Find the generateEntryPointContent method as shown in the following example:

                  function generateEntryPointContent(config) 
  3. Find the following code within the generateEntryPointContent method:

                  if (isSCIS && moduleName === 'Configuration')
             if (relativePath.includes('PosApplication'))
                config.amdConfig.paths[inv_path[moduleName] || moduleName] = relativePath;
             config.amdConfig.paths[inv_path[moduleName] || moduleName] = relativePath;
  4. After the ending bracket of the else condition, add this line:

                  config.amdConfig.rawText[relativePath] = file.contents.toString(); 

    After you add the preceding line, the code should look like the following example:

                  if (isSCIS && moduleName === 'Configuration')
             if (relativePath.includes('PosApplication'))
                config.amdConfig.paths[inv_path[moduleName] || moduleName] = relativePath;
             config.amdConfig.paths[inv_path[moduleName] || moduleName] = relativePath;
         config.amdConfig.rawText[relativePath] = file.contents.toString(); 
  5. After editing and saving the file as described in the preceding steps, run the gulp deploy command as described in Deploy SCA Customizations to NetSuite to verify that the updates from your original patch are now visible in the the ssp_libraries.js file in the DeployDistribution folder.

General Notices