Limitations in Using the Purchase to Project SuiteApp



Incompatibility with Full Multi-Book Accounting features

The SuiteApp is incompatible with accounts that use Full Multi-Book Accounting features. In some cases, the amounts might show incorrect values if any of the following Accounting features are enabled:

  • Adjustment Only Books

  • Full Multi-Book Accounting*

  • Chart of Accounts Mapping*

  • Foreign Currency Management*

  • Revenue and Expense Management*

  • Extended Accounting Period Close Process

* NetSuite Professional Services must implement these features. For more information, see Enabling Multi-Book Accounting Features.

Validations for users who do not have a consultant or project manager role and for users who do not have access to project records

Validations and checks for this SuiteApp are non-existent for users that do not have a consultant or project manager role. Validations and checks for this SuiteApp are also non-existent for users who do not have access to project records. These users can proceed with the following actions that are not allowed for this SuiteApp:

  • When creating a purchase order:

    • Select a customer that references a project which does not allow purchase orders.

    • Select a non-project vendor in the Vendor field for items and expenses that reference a project or project task.

    • Leave the Expected Receipt Date blank for items that reference a project or project task.

    • Enter an Expected Receipt Date that is earlier than the Start Date or later than the End Date of the project or project task.

  • When creating vendor bills, save a vendor bill entered for a project even when the project does not allow vendor bills.

Tagging a vendor as a project vendor

Do not use the New button in the purchase order form to create a new vendor and to tag it as a project vendor. The project vendor is not recognized as a vendor when it is added this way.

Tagging a vendor as a project vendor for some SuiteSuccess editions

The Project Vendor box is only available in the standard vendor form. It may not be available for some SuiteSuccess editions that have other default vendor forms. You or your administrator may need to customize the vendor form to add the Project Vendor box.

Custom purchase order form for Purchase to Project SuiteApp

When a purchase order is created using the Custom Purchase Order - Projects form, the Make Copy item in the Actions list is disabled by default.

Custom purchase order form for some SuiteSuccess Editions

There is no Expected Receipt Date column in the custom purchase order form for some SuiteSuccess Editions. No validation occurs even when the Expected Receipt Date column entry is mandatory for items in a purchase order when using this SuiteApp.

Number of displayed purchase orders, project tasks, and customer invoices in the Procurement subtab.

In the Procurement subtab of the project record, only a maximum 300 characters or around ten purchase orders, project tasks, or customer invoices can be displayed.

You can view all purchase orders, project tasks, and customer invoices in the Related Records subtab of the vendor bill record or project record.

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General Notices