Activating Tally Scanning for SCM Mobile

If you use Warehouse Management or Ship Central, you can activate tally scanning for the mobile app. Tally scanning enables you to automatically increment the quantity of a scanned item by 1.

For Warehouse Management, you can enable tally scanning for each of the supported inbound, inventory, and outbound processes. If you apply the rule to the PO, TO, or Inbound shipment receiving process, you can also select the option to tally scan different item types continuously.

If you set up advanced bar code scanning, you can tally scan the supported GS1, composite, or HIBC bar code formats. See Bar Code Scanning for SCM Mobile.

To activate tally scanning for SCM Mobile:

  1. Activate the Enable Tally Scan rule. For instructions, see the following topics:

  2. For Warehouse Management, to enable tally scanning for existing items, check the Tally Scan box on their item records.

    Activating the rule automatically checks this box on new item records that you create.

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