Generating the PT SAF-T File in Portugal Localization SuiteApp

This section refers to the PT SAF-T for Accounting and PT SAF-T for Billing provided by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp. You can generate these SAF-T files using the Country Tax Report page that is installed by the Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp.

If you are using an accounting context for Portugal, you must first set this accounting context on your user preferences. For more information, see Using Portugal Accounting Context for SAF-T Report.

To generate a PT SAF-T file:

  1. Go to Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports.

  2. In the Subsidiary field, select the name of your Portugal subsidiary or parent company for which the SAF-T file is generated.

    You can only select one subsidiary for every PT SAF-T file generating action.

  3. In the Start Period and End Period fields, select the start and end periods of the relevant Fiscal Year.


    The transactions included in your report are filtered by the Date field on the transaction record and the period that you select on the Country Tax Report page.

  4. In the Report Name field, select PT SAFT for Accounting (XML) or PT SAF–T for Billing (XML).


    If you select PT SAF-T for Billing (XML), note that any item fulfillments present in your chosen time period must be certified to be considered for report generation. Certified item fulfillments only contain those that have a Portugal Transaction ID. Uncertified item fulfillments will be left out of the generated report.

  5. In the Accounting Book field, select an accounting book.

    This step is applicable only if you are using the NetSuite Full Multi-Book Accounting feature. The transactions under this accounting book will be used to generate the PT SAF-T files. You can select an Adjustments-Only accounting book.


    To generate a report for transactions in foreign currencies, enable the Foreign Currency Management feature. For more information about this feature, see Foreign Currency Management.

  6. Click Generate.

    Generating the file may take a few minutes.

You can check the status of the file generation on the Report Execution Log subtab. Click Download to view the file.

If it downloads a TXT file called Report_Errors_(Report Date).txt, that means there were issues in your setup that resulted in a failed file generation. For more information, see Resolving Errors in Generating the PT SAF-T File.

If the file is generated successfully, you should be able to see an XML file. For information about the contents of this XML file, see Portugal SAF-T for Accounting, Portugal SAF-T for Billing, or Portugal SAF-T for Shipping.

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