POST Request to the Token Endpoint and the Access Token Response
The client credentials flow starts when the application sends a POST request to the token endpoint.
The format of the URL is:
where <accountID> represents your NetSuite account ID.
POST Request Parameters
Request Parameter |
Description |
grant_type |
The value of the grant_type parameter is always |
client_assertion_type |
The value of the client_assertion_type parameter is always |
client_assertion |
The value of the client_assertion parameter is a JWT bearer token. The token is signed with the private part of the certificate used for mapping of the application. For more information about the mapping, see OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Setup For more information about the JWT bearer token, see The Request Token Structure.
You should use a library for generating of the JWT bearer token. |
Request parameters must be encoded based on the HTML specification for the application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type. For more information, see URL Specification 5.1.
The following example provides a sample POST request:
POST /services/rest/auth/oauth2/v1/token HTTP/1.1
Host: <accountID>
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The Access Token Response
JSON Response Fields |
Description |
access_token |
The value of the access_token parameter is in JSON Web Token (JWT) format. The access token is valid for 60 minutes. |
expires_in |
The value of the expires_in parameter is always |
token_type |
The value of the token_type parameter is always |
The following is an example of a response in JSON JWT format:
{"access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJzLlNZU1RFTS4yMDIwXzEiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI0MDMwMDU5OzA7Mzs3O04iLCJhdWQiOlsiOWE1MDY4YjFjNGU5OGU4Yjg1YzMwMmYyMjg2N2YzNTAyYTBmYzYwNzU4MDQwNzliNzYzZmExYzg2NzJiYTlkNCIsImFwcDoyNzBDNDQ3Ny1DNUY1LTRFMDQtQkNDMS1CMDMzRDk0QTlDMDgiXSwic2NvcGUiOlsicmVzdF93ZWJzZXJ2aWNlcyIsInJlc3RsZXRzIl0sImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC9ydW5ib3guY29ycC5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20iLCJvaXQiOjE2Mjc5MDYzMzAsImV4cCI6MTYyNzkwOTkzMCwiaWF0IjoxNjI3OTA2MzMwLCJqdGkiOiJhLmMuZmI3ZDYzN2YtOTdjNC00Nzk0LTkyYWYtZTU2N2ZhYjc1ODRlLjE2Mjc5MDYzMzA1MDMuMTYyNzkwNjMzMDUwMyJ9.QjzADDeU2yN-6j-ol0fApgmleIn17HHD4bi06yBYpEpL5rBSbK3h11-GgU44Kc6ujQQQ3t4yr6IWBrtak5qLPWQmJE5-Ry_IvaxZRmPuB8rxI09_o4uXJE7oxpMreK4snYoIfH1Ph40Fq977MVVz9K-5pCTclOberX9dTTM3O0BnL6QNrf3lv3RA7J5LilceGAm4OV7OOoddn_fB6yeO0ZghVbJbRgI-tChqwdmWY42zhTeHjdG4K6ooA2IVcOm2GUFMhiFT2I00ZLZ-dYBPYkfRDn2Fvbn8V8GN1biQ6_u6j07k0XSq1Mv-WN-saH7rTKaA1gkX4IFwIHzN7eJUcg", "expires_in": "3600", "token_type": "Bearer"}
The access token is Base64 encoded. For more information, see RFC 6749. section 1.4.
When the access token expires, the token endpoint returns an invalid_grant error. The application must restart the flow.