Configuring VAT in NetSuite Connector

Before you configure VAT in NetSuite Connector, you must first confirm whether your storefront uses pre-VAT or post-VAT prices. To identify the VAT, you can import a sample order, edit the order in NetSuite Connector, and then compare the item prices. If you are using a marketplace, you can safely assume that prices already include VAT.

Follow this procedure to configure VAT on a specific account in NetSuite Connector.

To configure VAT in NetSuite Connector:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the relevant connector and account.

  3. Go to Settings > Orders.

  4. Edit the tax settings.

    1. Go to the Tax tab.

    2. To manage the VAT, do one of the following:

      • If your storefront provides the item prices with VAT, check the Subtract VAT from Order Total When Posting box. When you check this box, NetSuite Connector will subtract the VAT from the item price before posting.

      • If your storefront provides item prices without VAT, clear the Subtract VAT from Order Total When Posting box. When you clear this box, NetSuite Connector will not subtract the VAT from the item price before posting.

      • Leave the VAT Rate For This Account field blank. In most cases, NetSuite Connector detects the actual rate used in the storefront and does not need you to specify the tax rate. However, if you find that VAT rates do not calculate correctly, you can enter the rate in this field.

  5. Click Save.

In some instances, you may find that the storefront tax rate is different from the NetSuite tax rate. For example, in the storefront, you may see 20%, but in NetSuite, you see 19.9987% tax rate. This behavior is due to the different ways that NetSuite and storefronts round taxes. For more information, see VAT and Tax Rounding.

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