Amazon Category Inheritance for NetSuite Connector

When you add an Amazon connector, NetSuite Connector a generic category called Amazon with a default set of mappings to facilitate product sync. This category is created because Amazon requires sellers to create separate templates to categorize their products. The Amazon category enables you to map all the common fields such as price, quantity, and SKU.

The Amazon category is used to set the common fields in custom flat files. A custom flat file combines all the removed category-specific templates into one. To create this file, read Import Amazon Custom Flat File Templates to NetSuite Connector.

Adding the Standard Amazon Category in NetSuite Connector

To sync inventory, price, or both to existing Amazon listings, add the standard mapping category AmazonInventoryPrice for the Amazon connector before you map flag fields.

To add the mapping category for Price and Quantity sync:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select Amazon connector and the relevant account.

  3. Go to Mappings > Products.

    The Product Mappings page appears.

  4. In the Category list, select Add Category.

  5. On the Add New Amazon Category/Template popup window, click No.

    This step ensures that updates will change only the price and quantity of existing items. New items that do not exist yet in Amazon will not be created.

  6. On the product mappings page, verify that the AmazonInventoryPrice option appears in the Category list.

  7. Click Save.

    You can now complete your product mappings for Price and Quantity sync. For more information, read Mapping Amazon Categories in NetSuite Connector.

Mapping Amazon Categories in NetSuite Connector

Before creating a category mapping for Amazon product sync, make sure you perform the following tasks:

  1. Determine the type of product sync.

  2. Perform one of the following tasks:

  3. Determine the field ID of Amazon flag field in NetSuite.

Determining the Field ID of Amazon Flag Field in NetSuite

To complete the category mapping, note the field ID of the flag field that you will use for Amazon product sync in NetSuite.

To determine the field ID of Amazon flag field in NetSuite:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. Click Edit on an inventory item.

  3. Locate the flag field that will be used for the Amazon storefront flag field:

    • For flag field automatically created using the NetSuite Connector SuiteApp, the flag field will by default be located in the Amazon subtab.

    • If the flag field is manually created or if the automatically created flag field’s placement is changed, search the field in the item record.

  4. Click the flag field name.

    A Field Help popup window opens. If the Show Internal IDs preference is enabled in NetSuite, the field ID displays in the popup window.

  5. Note the field ID.

    The ID starts with the string custitem.

    For more information, read NetSuite Connector Communication with Internal IDs and Field IDs.


    Each account in the Amazon connector has a separate flag field and a flag field ID. Make sure you note the field ID for each account’s flag field.

Creating the Flag Field Mapping and Category Mapping

Create flag field mapping and category mapping for your Amazon connector.

To create the flag field mapping and category mapping:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select Amazon connector and the relevant account.

  3. Go to Mappings > Products.

  4. From the Category list, select one of the following categories:

    • For price and quantity sync, select AmazonInventoryPrice.

    • For full product sync, select the category created using a custom template.


    Do not select the generic Amazon category.

    The mapped fields for the category display in the Product Mappings page.

  5. In the NetSuite Field ID column, enter the field ID for the flag field.

  6. Click Add Mapping.

    The Add Amazon Field Mapping window opens.

  7. From the Required list, select CATEGORY.

  8. Click Add Mapping.

  9. Click Close.

  10. Locate the newly added CATEGORY mapping and click the Special Mapping – Click to Edit.

    The CATEGORY Mapping window opens.

  11. In the NetSuite Field ID field, enter the field ID of the flag field.

    Make sure the field ID entered in this field matches the field ID entered in step 5 and the Value field is blank.

  12. Click Save.

  13. (Optional) If the Reload Items window opens, click Yes, Reload my items.

  14. Click Save.

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