Walmart Connector FAQ

To learn more about Walmart connector, review the questions and answers below.

Does NetSuite Connector support Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)?

NetSuite Connector can import WFS orders using the Walmart connector. Because these orders are already fulfilled, the leading practice is to sync the orders to NetSuite as cash sales. To set up WFS orders for your account, contact your Professional Services representative.

Does NetSuite Connector support Walmart Marketplace Canada?

No, currently NetSuite Connector only supports Walmart Marketplace US.

Why am I getting NetSuite Connector emails about my Walmart credentials being invalid when they show as valid when I test them in NetSuite Connector?

This behavior can occur if the permissions on the Walmart API key are not set up correctly. You must check the permissions on the API key that NetSuite Connector uses.

For more information, read How to verify the permissions on the FarApp/NetSuite Connector's Walmart API key.

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