Enabling Order Email Messages in NetSuite Connector

The To Be Emailed box in NetSuite sets NetSuite to email a copy of the order to the addresses in the email field on the sales order.

You can map this feature from NetSuite Connector.

To map the To Be Emailed box from NetSuite Connector:

  1. In NetSuite Connector, select the relevant connector and account.

  2. Go to Mappings > Orders.

  3. Select the Order tab.

  4. On the Order Mappings page, click Add Mapping.

  5. Select To Be Emailed NetSuite from the dropdown.

  6. Click Add Mapping.

    The mapping will appear at the bottom of the Order Mappings page.

  7. Click Close.

    The mapping will have a Mapping Type of Fixed by default.

  8. Under the Field/Fixed Value column, select either Checked or Unchecked from the dropdown.

    This mapping will automatically set the To Be Emailed field checkbox with the state you select when the order is synced to NetSuite.

  9. Click Save.

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