Accessing Connector and Account Settings in NetSuite Connector

You can view and manage settings for NetSuite Connector and also for individual connector accounts.

Accessing NetSuite Connector Account Settings

The NetSuite Connector account settings are distributed across following tabs:

To access NetSuite Connector account settings:

  1. Log in to

  2. Hover over your account name on the top-right corner and click Account Settings.

Accessing Individual Connector Account Settings

You can also manage individual connector account settings.

To access connector account settings:

  1. Log in to

  2. From the left-side navigation menu, select the desired connector and then the account.

  3. Go to one of the following:

    • To view or edit your account credentials, go to Settings > Credentials. The Credentials Settings screen contains your storefront's account information and establishes the data connection between NetSuite Connector and your storefront.

    • To view or edit notification settings, go to Settings > Notifications. You can define the email addresses where your storefront's notifications are sent in this screen.

    • To view or edit order sync settings, go to Settings > Orders. The Order Settings screen has several tabs for the general settings, tax settings, discount settings, and when applicable, duties settings for the selected storefront account.

    • To view or edit product sync settings, go to Settings > Products. The Product Settings screen contains the general product sync settings for the selected storefront account.

    • To view or edit other transaction settings, go to Settings > Other Transactions. The Other Transactions screen has several tabs for the refund settings, settlement settings, inbound shipping settings, deposit, payment, and check settings, and customer settings for the selected storefront account.

    • To view or edit fulfillment sync settings, go to Settings > Fulfillments. The Fulfillment Settings screen contains the fulfillment settings used between NetSuite Connector and the storefront account.

    • To enable or disable syncs, or change the account nickname, go to Data Flows > Manage Data Syncs. The Manage Data Syncs screen has several tabs for the status of syncs, orders, products, and other transactions.

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