Viewing the Details of Allocation Batches

At any time you can view the list of allocation batches. Information provided includes the name of the batch, last date on which the batch was executed, and the number of allocation schedules included in the batch.

When you view an allocation schedule within the batch, you have access to the history of the schedule including the journal entries it creates. You can also delete all journal entries created in the last execution of the batch.

To view a list of allocation batches and their respective details:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > Create Allocation Batches > List.

  2. From the Allocation Batches page, you can do the following:

    • Click Edit next to the allocation batch you want to modify or delete. For more information, see Modifying Allocation Batches and Deleting Allocation Batches.

    • Click View next to an allocation batch to view details about the record.

      From the record you can do the following:

      • Edit the allocation batch.

      • Click Execute to immediately run the allocation batch and create journal entries.

      • From the Actions list, select New to create a new allocation batch. For more information, see Creating an Allocation Batch.

      • On the Tasks subtab, in the Allocation Schedule column, click the name of an allocation schedule to view or edit its details.

        On the Allocation Schedule page, Destination subtab, you can access the account record on which the schedule is based. On the History subtab, you can access the journal created from the schedule including any historical transactions, and any details specific to the allocation schedule.

      • On the History subtab, click Delete Last Run to delete all journal entries created by the last execution of the allocation batch.

        In the Allocation Batch Details column, click Link to access the Allocation Batch Run page. In the Allocation Schedule Details column, click Link to access the Allocation Detail page and view the details of the schedule.

    • Click Run to immediately run the allocation batch and create journal entries.

    • Click the Show Inactives box to refresh the allocation batch list and display inactive batches.

    • Click New to create a new allocation batch.

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