Install Gulp.js

After successfully installing Node.js, the next step in setting up your developer environment is to install Gulp.js. Gulp.js is a third-party, open-source tool that automates many of the tasks related to creating web-based applications. This is required for all Commerce web store implementations.

To Install Gulp.js:

  1. Depending on your platform, open a command line or terminal window.

  2. Enter the following command:

    npm install --global gulp


    Install Gulp.js using the --global flag as shown earlier. On Linux and MacOS, you must run this command using sudo. This is required to ensure that Gulp.js is installed correctly.

  3. Verify that Gulp.js was installed correctly by entering the following command:

    gulp -v

    If installed correctly, this command outputs the currently installed version of Gulp.js. Ensure that this version is 3.9.1 or higher. There should be no errors or warnings.


To use Gulp.js to deploy source files to NetSuite, you must use a role with the appropriate permissions. See Developer Tool Roles and Permissions for more information.

After successfully installing Gulp.js, you are ready to set up one or more of the following:

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