Install Additional Files in the Source Directory


These topics refer to customizations of the Kilimanjaro release of SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) or earlier. If you are implementing the Aconcagua Release of SCA or later, the best practice is to use themes and extensions to customize your site unless your customizations require access to objects not available using the Extensibility API.

After downloading and extracting the SCA source directory, complete the following steps to finish installing the developer tools.


You must run all commands in the SCA directory where the package.json file is located.

  • If implementing the 2020.1 release or later, this directory is the SC_xxx directory within your root source directory. For example: SC_20.1

  • If implementing the 2019.2 release, this directory is the *_Live directory within your root source directory. For example: SC_19.2_Live

  • If implementing the 2019.1 release or earlier, this directory is the top-level root directory. For example: SuiteCommerce Advanced <release_name>

To install additional required files:

  1. Open a command line or terminal window.

  2. Access the local SCA source directory that contains the package.json file.

  3. Install additional Node.js packages by running the following command:

    npm install

    This command may take several minutes to install the dependencies required by the developer tools.

  4. Run Gulp.js using the following command:


    Running Gulp.js creates the local distribution directory and compiles SCA source modules into a deployable application.

Note the following:

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