
Object Description

Encapsulates a custom SuiteScript error for any server script type that is not a user event script.

Use this object in a try-catch statement to abort script execution.

Create a new custom error with the error.create(options) method, which returns an error.SuiteScriptError when it is called in any server script that is not a user event script.

For a complete list of this object’s methods and properties, see SuiteScriptError Object Members.

Supported Script Types

All server scripts that are not user event scripts.

For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.


N/error Module




The following code sample shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a complete script example, see N/error Module Script Samples.

          //Add additional code
// Include this code in a server script that is not a user event script to create an error.SuiteScriptError object
var SScustom_error = error.create({
    name: 'MY_ERROR_CODE',
    message: 'my custom SuiteScriptError details',
    notifyOff: false
//Add additional code 


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