Sales Order Basic Approval Template

The Sales Order Basic Approval Template creates a workflow that allows a user to create and automatically approve a sales order if the total is less than a specific amount or start the approval process if the total is over a specific amount. After you create a workflow based on this template, you can edit the workflow to customize it according to your business needs. See Creating a Workflow from a Workflow Template.

The Sales Order Basic Approval workflow implements the following rules:

Workflow Definition Properties

The following table describes the workflow definition properties for the Sales Order Basic Approval Template’s workflow definition:




Basic Information

Record Type



Sub Types

Sales Order


Execute As Administrator



Release Status

Not Initiating


Keep Instance and History

Only When Testing


Enable Logging





Event Definition

On Create



On Update






Trigger Type


Workflow Fields

The following table describes the workflow fields in the Sales Order Basic Approval Template’s workflow definition:

Workflow Field Name



Stores the List/Record of the employee that must approve the sales order.

Created By

Stores the List/Record of the employee that created the sales order.

States, Actions, and Transitions

The following table describes each state in the Sales Order Basic Approval Template’s workflow definition and the actions and transitions in each state:

State Name




  • Set Field Value. Sets the value of the Created By workflow field.

  • Set Field Value. Sets the value of the Order Status field on the record form to Pending Approval.

  • Transition to the Approved state if the user does not have a supervisor, or the Total field is less than $300.00 and the Overdue Balance for the customer is $0.

  • Transition to the Pending Approval state.

Pending Approval

  • Set Field Value. If the Approver workflow field is empty, set it to the current user’s supervisor.

  • Set Field Value. Appends the value of the Memo field on the record form to the system date and the text “Pending Approval...”.

  • Send Email. Sends an email to the supervisor to notify of a pending sales order.

  • Lock Record. Locks the Sales Order record if the current user is not the approver.

  • Add Button. Adds the Approve button if the current user is the approver.

  • Add Button. Adds the Reject button if the current user is the approver.

  • Remove Button. Removes the standard Approve button with an id of APPROVE.

  • Remove Button. Removes the standard Create Deposit button with an id of CREATEDEPOSIT.

  • Remove Button. Removes the standard Manage Revenue Recognition button with an id of UPDATEREVREC.

  • Transition to Approved state if the approver clicks Approve.

  • Transition to Rejected state if the approver clicks Reject.

  • Transition to the Canceled state if the Order Status field has a value of Canceled.


  • Set Field Value. Sets the Order Status field to Pending Fulfillment when the record enters the state.

  • Set Field Value. Appends the value of the Memo field on the record form to the system date and the text “Approved...”.

  • Lock Record. Locks the Sales Order record if the user accessing the record does not have the Administrator role.

None. The sales order stays in the Approved state of the workflow, locked to all users except administrators.


  • Set Field Value. Appends the value of the Memo field on the record form to the system date and the text “Rejected...”.

  • Send Email. Sends an email that the sales order was rejected to the employee record in the Created By workflow field, when the record enters the state.

  • Lock Record. Locks the Sales Order record if the user accessing the record is the employee record in the Created By workflow field or if the user is an administrator. Allows the user that created the record to edit the sales order before resubmitting for approval.

  • Add Button. Adds a Resubmit for Approval button if the current user is the user that created the record or if the current user is an administrator.

  • Remove Button. Removes the standard Approve button with an id of APPROVE.

  • Remove Button. Removes the standard Create Deposit button with an id of CREATEDEPOSIT.

  • Remove Button. Removes the standard Manage Revenue Recognition button with an id of UPDATEREVREC.

  • Transition to the Pending Approval state if the user clicks the Resubmit for Approval button.

  • Transition to the Canceled state if the Order Status field has a value of Canceled.

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