Configuring Gift Certificates for SCIS

To offer Gift Certificates in SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS), you must first set them up in NetSuite. Ensure the gift certificate feature is enabled, and accounting preferences are set correctly. This section includes instructions on how to set up gift certificates for sale in SCIS.

To set up gift certificates for SCIS:

  1. Ensure the Gift Certificates feature is enabled at Setup > Company > Enable Features. Click the Items & Inventory subtab.

  2. Set accounting preferences:

    1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.

    2. Click the Items/Transactions subtab.

    3. In the Other Item Preferences section, set the following:

      • In the Matrix Item Name/Number Separator field, enter -.

        Matrix Item Name/Number Separator field
      • In the Gift Certificate Auth Code Generation field, select System Generated.

  3. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New. Click Gift Certificates.

  4. In the Item Name/Number field, enter a name for your gift certificate. This field displays internally in NetSuite on lists. If you want to display a different name for the gift certificate on the SCIS website, then enter it in the Display Name/Code field.

  5. If you use OneWorld, select the Subsidiary. Optionally, you can select a Location.

  6. On the Accounting subtab, select the following:

    • Income account

    • Liability account

    • Tax Schedule

  7. On the Custom subtab, check the SCIS Gift Card box if you want this to be a gift card. Leave the box clear if you want to use a digital gift certificate. The digital gift certificate generates an email message to the gift certificate recipient at the time of sale. If you use a gift card, you must also modify the CustomConfiguration.js file.

    For more information, read Setting Gift Certificate Attributes For SCIS.

  8. On the Web Store subtab, set the following:

    1. Check the Display in Web Store box to display the gift certificate in SCIS.

    2. (Optional) Check the Variable Amount box, if you want to allow the sales associate to set the gift certificate amount.

    3. (Optional) Enter a maximum amount for the gift certificate in the Maximum Variable Amount field.

    4. Click Web Site List, and then select the SCIS website in the Site column. Under Site Category, select Home.

  9. (Optional) If you want to define a set price for the gift certificate, instead of a variable price, click the Sales/Pricing tab, and then enter the amount.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Upload images for the gift certificate. The process for uploading images for gift certificates is the same process for uploading images to other types of items. For more information, see Configuring Item Images for SCIS.

  12. Create a QuickAdd key for the Gift Certificate. For more information, see Configuring QuickAdd Keys.

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