Defining Putaway Strategies

For locations that use bins, putaway strategies define where an item should be put away and prioritize zones that contain the storage bins NetSuite suggests in the inbound processing of orders. Putaway strategies also apply to the inventory transfer processes.

The sequence of your strategies determines which one takes priority over other applicable strategies. The criteria you define in your strategies enables NetSuite WMS to sort and select the bins for putting away items. For more information, see Putaway Strategies.

Based on putaway strategies that you create, bins appear in the Bins list on the Entry Bin page of the following mobile processes:

On the app, bins may not appear for selection if do not create at least one putaway strategy for a location or if none of them match your criteria. No limit applies to the number of strategies you can create. However, you should define at least one putaway strategy for your warehouse location, with the top sequence number and default zone. As you add more strategies, the default strategy suggests the default bin when items do not match any of the additional strategies.


Your warehouse operations and business needs determine the number and definition of your required strategies. When defining your strategies, you should work in close consultation with your NetSuite account manager.

To define a putaway strategy:

  1. Using the WMS Warehouse Manager role, go to WMS Configuration > Configure Strategies > WMS Putaway Strategies > New.

  2. On the WMS Putaway Strategies page, enter or select values in the following fields:

    1. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the putaway strategy.

    2. If you want to create multiple strategies, in the Sequence field, enter a number that indicates the priority of this strategy.

      A strategy with a low sequence number takes priority over one with a high sequence number. For example, strategy A with a sequence number of 2 and strategy B with a sequence has a sequence number of 4 applies to item X. When you put away item X, NetSuite WMS suggests a bin in the zone defined in strategy A before a bin in the zone defined in strategy B.

    3. In the Location field, select a warehouse location.

    4. (Optional) In the Zone field, select the warehouse location’s zone where you want to put away items that match the criteria.

      For more information about WMS Zones, see Creating Bin Locations or Carts.

  3. (Optional) To set item criteria, select values in the item fields, such as Item, Units, Class, or ABC Velocity.

    These criteria are based on fields on the item record, except for the unit. The Units criteria applies to the transaction unit.

    On item records, you can set the ABC velocity in the Inventory Classification field. For more information about the item fields, see Creating Items for NetSuite WMS.

  4. (Optional) If you use the Inventory Status feature, in the Inventory Status field, select a status.

  5. Click Save.

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