Customize the Checkout Application


You should use the SCA developer tools to create custom modules as described in the following procedures only if you are customizing the Kilimanjaro release of SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) or earlier. If you are implementing the Aconcagua Release of SCA or later, the best practice is to use the theme and extension developer tools to customize your site. To learn more about why you should use the theme and extension developer tools, see Benefits of the Extension Framework.

Much of the Commerce Checkout application can be customized or configured by editing standard configuration properties and by using existing extensions or creating new extensions. See Checkout for detailed information and procedures on how to do this.

If, however, you need to implement an advanced customization for an SCA solution, you can create custom modules and, using best practices, modify the checkout experience as described in the following procedures. To understand best practices, see Best Practices for Customizing SCA.

By default, several modules are included in each checkout configuration file. Available modules include:

To customize the checkout flow:

  1. Create a custom module that includes the SC.Checkout.Configuration object as a dependency.


    Do not edit the SC.Checkout.Configuration.js file directly. See Develop Your SCA Customization for information and best practices on customizing JavaScript.


    Do not edit the SC.Checkout.Configuration.js file (or SC.Checkout.Configuration.ts file if you are implementing SCA 2019.2 or later) directly. See Develop Your SCA Customization for information and best practices on customizing JavaScript.

  2. Redefine the dependency SC.Checkout.Configuration.Steps.Standard to the preferred checkout flow as defined in the following table:

    Checkout Flow


    Associated File



    JavaScript (SCA 2019.1 and Earlier

    TypeScript (SCA 2019.2 and Later)

    Standard (Default)




    One Page Checkout




    Billing First




  3. Extend the checkout flow’s associated .js file to customize the checkout configuration.

    You can customize checkout in following ways:


    The three checkout configurations shipped with SCA are fully supported by NetSuite. You can create completely customized experiences, but note that advanced customization can create flows that do not make intuitive sense to the user. NetSuite cannot guarantee the outcome of advanced customizations.

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