Withholding Tax Troubleshooting Guide


This topic pertains to withholding tax in NetSuite accounts that do not have the SuiteTax feature enabled. If you are using a NetSuite account where the SuiteTax feature is enabled, go to Withholding Taxes in SuiteTax.

Withholding tax is no longer being updated for new features and reports in accounts that do not have the SuiteTax feature. All version upgrades of the Withholding Tax SuiteApp include fixes for reported issues only.

The following errors can occur when NetSuite posts the withholding tax for transactions.

When posting the withholding tax for my payment, I get an error asking me to enter the value for a column.

This error occurs when a mandatory Transaction Column field is present in a credit memo or vendor credit record. You must make all Transaction Column fields optional to post the withholding tax for a payment successfully.

To make a Transaction Column field optional:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Column Fields.

  2. Find the mandatory Transaction Column field and click it to edit it.

  3. On the Validation & Defaulting subtab, clear the Mandatory box.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Rerun the WTax Job by clicking the URL provided in the email notification.

I am unable to void a bill payment with withholding tax using reversing journals.

This error occurs because voiding bill payments with withholding tax using reversing journals is not supported. Disable this feature to prevent the error from occurring.

To disable the Void Transactions Using Reversing Journals feature:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Set Up Accounting.

  2. On the General subtab, clear the Void Transactions Using Reversing Journals.

  3. Click Save.

When deleting a payment with withholding tax, I get an error telling me that the associated bill credit or credit memo cannot be deleted.

This error can occur if you have scripts or workflows that prevent the SuiteApp from deleting the credit record.

To check your scripts and workflows and resolve this error:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripted Records.

  2. Click on the record type that needs deleting to edit it.

  3. On the User Event Scripts subtab, clear the Deployed box next to the script or workflow that prevents the deletion of the record.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Rerun the WTax Job by clicking the URL provided in the email notification.

Can I run the WTax Job Processor manually?

Yes. When an error occurs during the processing of withholding tax for payments, a link to the WTax Job record is provided in the email notification. Click this link to go to the record, then click Run to process the WTax Job.

Withholding Tax is not calculating on Vendor Bill

This error occurs when the Withholding Tax (WHT) and International Tax Reports (ITR) scripts are conflicting with other scripts. Make sure the WHT and ITR scripts at the top of the scripts list. For more information, see International Tax Reports Best Practices.

To check that WHT and ITR scripts are active:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts.

  2. On the Filters subtab, select 47459 from the From Bundle field.

  3. Check Show Inactives box.

  4. Find all scripts that has the Inactive box checked and uncheck them.

  5. Click Submit.

To move your WHT and ITR scripts and resolve this error:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripted Records (Administrator).

  2. Click the Record column heading to sort the list by record.

  3. Click Edit next to the Vendor Bill record, and then do the following:

    • On the User Event Scripts subtab, drag these scripts to the top of the list:

      1. WT for Accruals

      2. WT Transaction Edit Warning

      3. Hide Withholding Tax Fields

      4. Tax Transaction Fields UE

    • On the Client Scripts subtab, drag these scripts to the top of the list:

      1. WT for Accruals

      2. Tax Transaction Fields CS

  4. Click Save.

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