util.extend(receiver, contributor)

Method Description

Copies the properties in a source object to a destination object.

You can use this method to merge two objects.


The destination object.

Supported Script Types

Client and server scripts

For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.




N/util Module




The following code snippets shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a full script sample, see N/util Module Script Sample.

This snippet shows combining two objects without the same keys:

          //Add additional code 
    var colors = {};
    var firstSet = {'color1':'red',
    var secondSet = {'color4':'green',
  // Extends colors object with the information in firstSet
  // Colors will get {'color1':'red','color2':'yellow','color3':'blue'}
  util.extend(colors, firstSet);
  // Extends colors object with the information in secondSet 
  // Colors will get {'color1':'red','color2':'yellow','color3':'blue','color4':'green','color5':'orange','color6':'violet'}
  util.extend(colors, secondSet);
//Add additional code 


The following snippet shows overriding two objects with a few similar keys:

          //Add additional code 
    var colors = {};
    var firstSet = {'color1':'red',
    var secondSet = {'color2':'green',
  // Extends colors object with the information in firstSet
  // Colors will get {'color1':'red','color2':'yellow','color3':'blue'}
  util.extend(colors, firstSet);
  // Extends colors object with the information in secondSet and overrides the value if there are similar keys
  // Colors will get {'color1':'red','color2':'green','color3':'orange','color4':'violet'}
  util.extend(colors, secondSet);

  var x = 0;
//Add additional code 


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General Notices