Employee Import Errors

This section describes errors that you might see on an employee import. See the following:

Please enter value(s) for: Currency

When adding a new Expense Report, the error occurs if Use Multicurrency is checked on the Expense Report form and no currency information was mapped or provided in the Import Assistant.

To resolve the error, choose one of the following options.

Option 1: Disable the Use Multicurrency Expense Reports preference.

  1. Go to Home > Set Preferences.

  2. On the General subtab, in the Defaults field group, clear the Use Multicurrency Expense Reports box.

  3. Click Save.

Option 2: Edit the CSV file and add a Currency column.

Option 3: Enter a default value in the Expenses 1 : Currency field on the Field Mapping page of the Import Assistant.

  1. On the Field Mapping page, click the edit icon beside Expenses 1 : Currency.

  2. Click Provide Default Value.

  3. Select USD from the dropdown list.

  4. Click Done.

Option 4: Edit the CSV file and add a Use MultiCurrency column with a value of No.

Option 5: Provide a default value to the Use MultiCurrency field on the Field Mapping page of the Import Assistant.

  1. On the Field Mapping page, click the pencil button beside MultiCurrency.

  2. Click Provide Default Value.

  3. Select No from the dropdown list.

  4. Click Done.

Invalid category reference key xx

To resolve the error:

  1. Make sure that the Expense Category is active. Go to Setup > Accounting > Expense Categories. Check the Show Inactives box.

  2. If Expense Category Names are being used, the format of the field must be the same as the Category dropdown list displayed on the Expense Report Form. Go to Transactions > Employees > Enter Expense Reports > Expenses.

  3. Expense category internal IDs can be used instead of names. On the Field Mapping page, click the edit icon beside the Category field, click Choose Reference Type, and select Internal ID.

Expense Categories – The field name contained more than the maximum number (61) of characters allowed

The Expense Account field on expense category records should contain a maximum of 61 characters, including spaces and symbols.

Edit the CSV file to ensure that the Expense Account field is not longer than 61 characters.

Invalid employee reference key xx

The error may occur when doing a time track record type import. To resolve the error, the Employee value in the CSV import file should contain either:

Depending on which employee value was entered in the CSV file, on the Field Mapping page, click the edit icon beside the Employee field and set Choose Reference Type to either Internal ID or Names.

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