Inventory Item Import Errors

This section describes errors that you might see on an inventory item import. See the following:

Invalid Locale Reference Key XX

The error occurs when:

  1. The Multi-Language feature is enabled, and

  2. You are creating an inventory item, and

  3. The CSV file contains following columns:

    • Item Name

    • Purchase Tax Code

    • Sales Tax Code

    • Quantity On Hand

    • Price

    • Price Level

    • Location

    • Translation Language

    • Translation Display Name

To resolve this error, first import the item without the translation, and then update the imported items with the translation data.

Importing the Item

To import the item, ensure that you choose the following options:

Update the Imported Items

Next, update the imported Items with the translation data using the same CSV file, but with different data handling, and different mapping.

The record you are attempting to load has a different type: inventoryitem from the type specified: serializedinventoryitem

The record type selected in the Import Assistant must be the same as the item type. The error states that the inventory item is to be updated, but the record type selected was serialized inventory item. Ensure that you select the inventory item record type for the import.

The following CSV file(s) have errors in them and can't be imported into the system: Multiple values found for a dropdown field that can only take one when importing a record with External ID that uses special character

To remove the field mapping error, select the items import type and inventory item record type.

On the Advanced Options menu, set the Custom Multi-Select Value Delimiter field to any special character that is not used in the string "SNG-EDUC|SKU-1004921210/08/2010|14:06:00"

For example, do not use the pipe (|) or slash (/). Also, do not use a space as a delimiter.

Setting the Custom Multi-Select Value Delimiter field to NULL results in an error because NetSuite considers it to be the same as Space.

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