General Relationship Import Errors

This section describes errors that you might see on a relationship import. See the following:

Invalid Lead Source Reference Key

The error can occur when importing entity records that include assigning lead sources.

Common causes of this error include the following:

You have entered an Invalid Field Value incoming for the following field: email

When importing entity records or performing a relationship import type, the following error appears when you click Next on the Field Mapping page:

Column : Email. Value : null. Error : You have entered an Invalid Field Value incoming for the following field: email

Check the CSV file to ensure that an email address exists in the email column for each record, and its format is correct (for example,

This entity already exists.

When performing an import to update the external ID of leads, prospects, or customers, the error occurs if there is another entity that already uses that external ID.

To find the record that uses that external ID, create a saved search for an entity:

  1. Go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.

  2. Click Entity.

  3. Enter a title for the search.

  4. On the Criteria > Standard subtab, add the filter: External ID is XXXXX (where XXXXX is the external ID used in the CSV file that had the error)

  5. On the Results > Columns subtab, add the fields to display in the search result, for example:

    • ID

    • Name

    • Type

  6. Click Save & Run.

The duplicate external ID can be edited in the CSV file to add a character.

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