Create a Service to Handle HTTP Requests

Services handle HTTP requests sent by the frontend application to access backend models, which connect to NetSuite. Different releases of SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) handle services with significant differences. This section explains how to create a service when implementing the Vinson release of SCA or later.


If you are using custom services that pre-date the Vinson release of SCA, you can still use them without refactoring your code. SCA offers backward compatibility with any services of implementations prior to Vinson. See Using Pre-Vinson Services with Vinson Release or Later for more information.

Much of the logic required to operate a service is contained in a centralized location within the source files provided. However, you must complete the following steps to create a custom service:

Step 1: Create a Custom [Module].ServiceController

Each service requires a unique [Module].ServiceController. You create this file, where [Module] is the module using the service. To create this custom ServiceController, complete the following tasks:

  1. Create a new [Module].ServiceController file

  2. Define the custom [Module].ServiceController and dependencies

  3. Extend ServiceController

  4. Add custom Validation Options (Optional)

  5. Add HTTP methods (as required for the service)

Create a new [Module].ServiceController file

  1. Create a new file titled [Module].ServiceController.js, where [Module] is the module associated with the service.

  2. Place this service controller file in the module’s SuiteScript directory.

Define the custom [Module].ServiceController and dependencies

  1. In your new [Module].ServiceController.js file, define the specific ServiceController and any dependencies.

  2. Include ServiceController as a dependency. How you do this depends on your implementation.

The following code defines the Account Login ServiceController and enables the service to access methods defined in ServiceController and Account.Model.

          // Account.Login.ServiceController.js - Service to handle the login of a user into the system
, [
  ,   'Account.Model'
, function(
  ,   AccountModel


Extend ServiceController

  1. [Module].ServiceController must extend ServiceController and include the name property. This property is used when listening to an event. The value of the name property should match the name of [Module].ServiceController.

  2. Use the following example as a guide. The example shows this extension with the name property.

          'use strict';
          return ServiceController.extend({

Add custom Validation Options (Optional)

  1. If you need to define any validation options for the service, include these within return ServiceController.extend.

  2. Use the following example as a guide. This example defines a requirement for the HTTP protocol to be secure before operating this service.

                    ,   options: {
          common: {
             requireSecure: true

Add HTTP methods

  1. Within the object returned, define the functions required to handle the HTTP methods for the service. This code reads the HTTP method sent from the frontend (POST, DELETE, GET or PUT).

    For your [Module].ServiceController to function, you must declare each method in lowercase and it must match the name of the HTTP method being used.

  2. Use the following example as a guide. This example defines what the service does on a POST request.

                    , post: function()
        return AccountModel.login(,,

Using these examples, your custom [Module].ServiceController might look something like this:

          // Account.Login.ServiceController.js - Service to handle the login of a user into the system
 ,   'Account.Model'
 ,   AccountModel
     'use strict';
     return ServiceController.extend({
     ,   options: {
                  common: {
                     requireSecure: true
     , post: function()
           return AccountModel.login(,,


Step 2: Set Up the Dev Tools

If implementing the Vinson release of SCA or later, the dev tools automatically generate the required .ss service file when you execute gulp deploy. However, you must also complete the following tasks to successfully deploy your new services:

Include your new service controller in the ssp_libraries.js file

  1. You must edit the distro.json file to include your new [Module].ServiceController in the ssp_libraries.js file when you deploy your site.

    Open the distro.json file in the root directory of the SCA source code.

  2. Create a new dependency within the Ssp-libraries object for your new custom Service Controller. For example, Account.Login.ServiceController:

                    "ssp-libraries": {
       "entryPoint": "SCA",
       "dependencies": [
  3. Save the distro.json file.

Auto-generate your [Module] file

  1. You must edit the ns.package.json file of the module associated with the service. This file signals the dev tools to auto-generate your [Module] file and associate it with a specific service controller.

    Open the ns.package.json file located in the module containing your new, custom Service Controller.

  2. In the autogenerated-services object, define the new .ss file and associate it with the appropriate Service Controller.

                    ,   "autogenerated-services":
       "" : "Account.Login.ServiceController"

    The autogenerated-services object may not exist in your implementation. If not, create the object and add the .ss files and Service Controller associations. Each .ss file must associate with one Service Controller.

  3. Save the ns.package.json file.

  4. Use the dev tools to deploy your services to your site.

    The dev tools will create and associate it with Account.Login.ServiceController.js.

Step 3: Set Up Custom Validations (Optional)

As an option, you can extend ServiceController.Validations to create any custom validations for your services beyond those included by default. To set up custom validations, complete the following tasks:

The following procedures provide step-by-step instructions for these tasks:

Create a custom Validations file

  1. In the SspLibraries folder, create a new file titled ServiceController.Extend.Validations.js.

  2. Define this file and extend ServiceController.Validations.

  3. Add your custom validation logic.

    The following example depicts a typical custom validations file. This file extends ServiceController.Validations and contains custom logic to check validations.

      ,  [
        , 'ServiceController.Validations'
        , function (
       ,  ServiceControllerValidations
       'use strict';
        _.extend(ServiceControllerValidations, {
            checkValidationGeneric: function()
            // validation logic here...
  4. Set up the options object in any [Module].ServiceController using these validations. For example:

                    , options: {
        common: {
            checkValidationGeneric: true

Set up the dependency in distro.json

  1. Open the distro.json file in the root directory of the SCA source code.

  2. Create a new dependency within the Ssp-libraries object for your new custom Service Controller. For example:

                    "ssp-libraries": {
       "entryPoint": "SCA",
       "dependencies": [
  3. Save the distro.json file and deploy using the dev tools.

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