Project Cost-to-Cost Percent Complete SuiteApp Error Messages

This section lists some of the common warnings and errors found when working with the Project Cost-to-Cost Percent Complete SuiteApp and the recommended actions:


Warning or Error Message


Recommended Action


Enter a positive labor cost budget value.

A negative number is entered in the Labor Cost Budget field.

Enter a positive value in the Labor Cost Budget field.

Enter a positive cost non labor budget value.

A negative number is entered in the Non Labor Cost Budget field.

Enter a positive value in the Non Labor Cost Budget field.

Select an active project cost percent complete rule to edit the project.

An inactive rule is selected for a project.

Select an active rule for the project.

Project Cost Percent Complete Rule

There is already an existing default rule. Checking the Default box will replace that rule with this rule.

Checking Default box when a default rule exists.

Click Ok to override the default rule with the current rule. Otherwise, click Cancel.

An incorrect option is selected in the <Labor Budget | Non Labor Budget |Additional Cost Budget Dataset | Actual Labor Cost | Actual Non Labor Cost | Additional Actual Cost Dataset> list.

An incorrect option is selected in these lists.

An option is incorrect when it does not meet the alias requirements. The Percent Complete Project, Percent Complete Date, and Percent Complete Amount aliases should be present. You should map the aliases to the project type, date type, and amount type dataset columns, respectively. For more information, see Creating and Updating a Project Cost Percent Complete Dataset.

  • When Custom Criteria is selected in the Budget Basis list, select either a labor budget, or a non labor budget.

  • When Custom Criteria is selected in the Budget Basis list, select either a labor budget, a non labor budget, or an additional cost budget dataset.

  • When Custom Criteria is selected in the Actual Cost Basis list, select either an actual labor cost, or an actual non labor cost.

  • When Custom Criteria is selected in the Actual Cost Basis list, select either an actual labor cost, an actual non labor cost, or an additional actual cost dataset.

For Custom Criteria, labor, non labor or an additional dataset is not selected.

For Custom Criteria, select a labor, non labor or an additional dataset.

  • To select Estimate at Completion (EAC) from the Budget Basis list, enable the Advanced Project Budgets feature.

  • To select Custom Criteria from the Budget Basis list, enable the SuiteAnalytics Workbook feature.

  • To select Project Profitability from the Actual Cost Basis list, enable the Advanced Project Profitability feature.

  • To select Custom Criteria from the Actual Cost Basis list, enable the SuiteAnalytics Workbook feature.

Required features are not enabled for the selection.

Enable the required feature.

The project's cost-to-cost rule can only be created using the NetSuite user interface.

Project Cost Percent Complete Rule created by another channel.

Create the Project Cost Percent Complete Rule by UI.

The Default Project Cost Percent Complete Rule cannot be deleted.

The user tries to delete the default shipped rule.

The default shipped rule cannot be deleted.

Update Project Cost Percent Complete

Enter a numeric value in the Percent Complete field.

A non numeric value is entered in the Percent Complete field.

Enter a numeric value.

Enter a value up to 100 in the Percent Complete field.

A value greater than 100 is entered in the Percent Complete field.

Enter a value less than 100.

Percent Complete value is less than 0.

A value less than 0 is entered in the Percent Complete field.

Enter a value greater than 0.

Percent Complete value is greater than 100.

A value greater than 100 is entered in the Percent Complete field.

Enter a value less than 100.

The current Percent Complete value is less than the previous value.

A value less than the previous value is entered in the Percent Complete field.

This is an informational message. No action recommended.

Enter a positive value in the Percent Complete column.

A value less than 0 is entered in the Percent Complete field.

Enter a value greater than 0.

Enter a value less than 100 in the Percent Complete column.

A value greater than 100 is entered in the Percent Complete field.

Enter a value less than 100.

Complete the required fields: <field_name>

The required fields are not completed.

Complete the required fields.

Select at least one project.

No projects are selected.

Select at least one project from the Project list.

No projects available for the selected Project Filters. Select a valid combination of Project Filters and try again.

Invalid combination selected.

Select a valid combination and try again.

Another execution by the same user is in progress. Try again after sometime. You will receive an email after the execution is complete.

When you open the Updating Project Cost Percent Complete page when previous execution by the user is still running.

Try again after the execution is complete.

Projects are being updated. An email notification will be sent with the status after the project execution has completed. Navigating to the Project Percent Complete Execution Log page.

Banner message displayed after clicking Submit or Submit All.

Automatically navigated to Project Percent Complete Execution Log List page. Wait for email notification with the execution status.

The required permission to view this page is missing.

Insufficient permission to access page.

See Roles and Permissions.

The selected accounting period does not exist for the account. Create an accounting period with today's date.

Selected accounting period does not exist for the account.

Create an accounting period that includes today's date.

No projects are executed for the selected accounting period. Enable or disable Allow Reexecution and try again.

No projects are executed for the selected accounting period.

Check or clear the Allow Reexecution box and try again.

Project Percent Complete Execution Log List

The Project Percent Complete Execution Log record cannot be edited.

Insufficient permission to edit record.

You can only view the record.

The required permission to view this page is missing.

Insufficient permission to access page.

See Roles and Permissions.

Related Topics

General Notices