Customer Statuses

A customer status describes a lead, prospect, or customer's stage in the sales cycle.

All statuses have a probability level associated with them. This probability reflects the percentage chance that a lead or prospect will purchase from your business. Leads should have a 0% probability. If the probability increases, they are then considered prospects. You can set default customer status preferences on the General subtab at Setup > Sales > Preferences > Sales Preferences.

To create a customer status:

  1. Go to Setup > Sales & Marketing Automation > Customer Statuses > New.

  2. In the Status field, enter the name for your new status. You may want to include the stage in your status title. For example, PROSPECT - 50/50.

  3. In the Stage field, select Lead, Prospect, or Customer as the stage.

  4. In the Probability field, if you selected prospect as the stage, enter the percent likelihood a prospect with this status will become a customer.

  5. In the Description field, enter a brief definition of this status.

    You can enter up to 999 characters in this field.

  6. Check the Include in Lead Reports box if you want customers with this status to appear in lead reports.

  7. Click Save to view the Customer Statuses list.

    Click Save & New to save this record and create a new status.

You can now select this status on customer records and set up sales rules and territories based on this status.

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