Updating the VSOE Delivery Status on Items

You can bulk update the vendor-specific objective evidence (VSOE) delivery status for many items at one time using the Mark VSOE Delivered Status page. Only items that may have VSOE enabled are included on this page.

For VSOE, the fulfillment status of an item is separate from its delivery status. An item may be marked Delivered although fulfillment has not yet occurred.

The VSOE delivery status is used in the following two ways:

To mark an item's VSOE delivery status:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > Mark VSOE Delivered Status.

    This page shows all VSOE items not yet marked as Delivered. Use the filters at the top of the page to narrow the list of items displayed.

    For each source transaction, the transaction line number and item name are shown.

    You can click on the link in the Source Transaction column to open the originating transaction.

  2. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, select a Subsidiary to associate with this status update.

  3. Check the box in the Select column for all items you want to mark as delivered.


    The accounting period for the transaction must be open to change the delivery status. Transactions in closed periods are skipped.

  4. Click Mark Delivered.

When you click Mark Delivered, the Process Status page opens.

Screenshot of Process Status page for VSOE items not yet delivered

On the Process Status page:

The Processed Records page includes links to the source transactions for the items whose VSOE delivery status was updated.

You can also access the Process Status page directly from the navigation menu. Go to Transactions > Financial > Mark VSOE Delivered Status > Status to open this page.

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