How Can I Get This Feature?

EITF 08-01 Revenue Recognition is a managed SuiteApp created by NetSuite. After you install this SuiteApp, NetSuite automatically upgrades the SuiteApp installed in your account when changes are available. For information about managed SuiteApps, see Using Managed Bundles.

Contact your account manager for information on how to purchase this feature. Professional Services can assist you with implementation.

If you are upgrading a previous EITF 08-01 bundle version, see Upgrading EITF 08-01 Bundle Version for instructions on how to correctly install the bundle.

Upgrading EITF 08-01 Bundle Version

If you are upgrading from an earlier bundle version, your current bundle version determines what you need to do to install the latest EITF 08-01 Revenue Recognition SuiteApp (Bundle ID: 29321).


We strongly recommend that you work with NetSuite Account Management and Professional Services to guarantee a smooth upgrade.

To uninstall bundle 9511:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundle > List.

  2. From the Action dropdown for bundle 9511, select Uninstall.

  3. In the confirmation popup, click OK.

To install bundle 29321:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundle > List.

  2. From the Action dropdown for bundle 8407, select Update.

  3. On the Preview Bundle Update page, select Update and Preserve Data under Action for the following:

    • EITF 08-01 M/S Models

    • Item Categories [R]

  4. Click Install Bundle.

To add fields to the Multiple Allocation Price List:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  2. Click Multiple Allocation Price.

  3. On the Fields subtab, click New Field and add the ESP Price % Lower Limit field:

    1. Label: ESP Price % Lower Limit

    2. ID: custrecord_e81_esp_lower. Note: Type only '_e81_esp_lower', ‘custrecord' is automatically generated.

    3. Type: Percent

    4. Check the Store Value and the Show in List boxes.

    5. On the Validation & Defaulting subtab, check the Mandatory box and enter 0.0% for Default Value.

    6. Click Save.

  4. Click New Field and add the ESP Price % Upper Limit field:

    1. Label: ESP Price % Upper Limit

    2. ID: custrecord_e81_esp_upper

    3. Type: Percent

    4. Check the Store Value and Show in List boxes.

    5. On the Validation & Defaulting subtab, check the Mandatory box and enter 0.0% for Default Value.

    6. Click Save.

  5. Click New Field and add the IsVSOE field:

    1. Label: IsVSOE

    2. ID: custrecord_e81_esp_isvsoe

    3. Type: Check Box

    4. Check the Store Value and the Show in List boxes.

    5. On the Validation & Defaulting subtab, check the Mandatory box.

    6. Click Save.

To change preference name for Transaction is Allocation Bundle:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  2. Enable display for Preference Name:

    1. On the Record Types page, click EITF-08-01 Preferences.

    2. On the Fields subtab, click Preference Name.

    3. On the Display subtab, change Display Type to Normal.

    4. Click Save.

  3. Change the preference name of Transaction is Allocation Bundle:

    1. On the Record Types page, click the List link for EITF-08–01 Preferences.

    2. Click Edit next to Transaction is Allocation Bundle.

    3. Change the Preference Name to Transaction is EITF-08-01.

    4. Click Save.

  4. Disable display for Preference Name:

    1. On the Record Types page, click EITF-08-01 Preferences.

    2. On the Fields subtab, click Preference Name.

    3. On Display subtab, change Display Type to Disabled.

    4. Click Save.

To add Quantity Internal ID preference:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types.

  2. Enable display for Preference Name, Preference Script ID, and Preference Field ID:

    1. On the Record Types page, click EITF-08-01 Preferences.

    2. On the Fields subtab, click Preference Name.

    3. On the Display subtab, set Display Type to Normal, and then click Save.

    4. Repeat the steps for Preference Script ID and Preference Field ID.

  3. Add a new preference for EITF-08-01 Preferences:

    1. On the Record Types page, click New Record for EITF-08-01 Preferences.

    2. Add a new preference with the following information:

      • Preference Name: Quantity Internal ID

      • Preference Value: quantity

      • Preference Script ID: custscript_eitf81_cs_item_qty_id

      • Preference Field ID: custpage_eitf81_cs_item_qty_id

    3. Click Save.

  4. Disable display for Preference Name, Preference Script ID, and Preference Field ID:

    1. On the Record Types page, click EITF-08-01 Preferences.

    2. On the Fields subtab, click Preference Name.

    3. On the Display subtab, set Display Type to Disabled, and then click Save.

    4. Repeat the steps for Preference Script ID and Preference Field ID.

  5. Click Save.

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