Configuration for Amortization

Amortization templates can be used to generate amortization schedules for items purchased based on the association of templates with items.

You can associate an amortization template with the following item types:

You can associate an amortization template with an item on the item record to make it the default on all transactions. When the item is entered on a purchase transaction, the associated template autofills on the transaction line. The template can be changed as necessary for specific transactions. See Setting an Amortization Template on an Item Record.

Amortization is supported for the following types of transactions:

To amortize the costs of an item, a deferral account must be specified on the item record or amortization template record. If both records have deferral accounts, the template's deferral account is used. See Specifying Deferral Accounts for Amortization.

When you enter a transaction, the following occurs for any item associated with an amortization template:


A deferred expense account must be specified for amortization to be supported. Deferral accounts can be specified in item records, amortization templates, and expense account records. See Specifying Deferral Accounts for Amortization.

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