Editing an Amortization Journal Entry

You can edit journal entries created from amortization schedules. These changes do not alter the amortization schedule. Journal entries that you edit remain linked to the amortization schedule that generated the original entry. For information about editing amortization schedules, see Editing an Amortization Schedule.

Some edits, however, may introduce inaccuracies in the amortization reports. For this reason, you cannot change accounts, amounts, segments, and some other information on amortization journals. For example, if you set the class, location, or department for a source transaction, and then change those settings on the amortization journal entry, your deferred expense balances would be classified differently than your expense balances.

If you want to edit the fields on a journal entry that are unavailable, you should enter a journal entry at each month-end to reclassify balances. These balances are easier to track and do not affect the amortization reports.

To edit a journal entry created from an amortization schedule:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Amortization Schedules.

  2. Click View next to the amortization schedule with the journal you want to edit.

  3. Click a link in the Journal column to display a journal entry record.

  4. Click Edit, and change the available fields on the original journal entry.

  5. Click Save.

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