Processing Goods and Services Tax (GST) Refunds - Canada

If you are entitled to a rebate of Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), you can process this amount through NetSuite.

To process a GST refund:

  1. Go to Transactions > Bank > Process GST/HST Refund.

  2. Enter or verify data in the following fields:

    • Account – Enter the bank or cash account to which this refund will be deposited.

    • Account Balance – Displays the balance of this account before any deposit.

    • Date – Displays today's date, but you can change it to the posting date of the transaction.

    • Payment Method – Select the method used to make this payment – cash, check or specified credit card.

    • Amount – Displays the amount due to you at first.

      After you select line items, this field reflects the amount you enter in the Amt. Paid to you column.

  3. At the bottom of the Process GST Refund page, any amounts due to you appear as line items. Check the box in the Received column next to an amount due to you. Then, on the same line, enter the amount paid to you.

  4. Click Save.

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