Enabling U.S. Tax Lookup

If you enable Tax Lookup on Sales Transactions, NetSuite can determine the proper tax code automatically when an order is entered manually or through your website.

To enable U.S. tax lookup:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Set Up Taxes.

  2. Check the Enable Tax Lookup on Sales Transactions box

  3. click Save.

With tax lookup enabled, NetSuite determines the appropriate tax group or tax code for a customer based on the customer's shipping address.

When customers enter orders on your web store, the tax group corresponding with the customer's shipping address is applied to the order. Also, when a transaction is entered manually for a customer, the tax group that corresponds to the customer's shipping address is selected by default.

NetSuite compares the state and zip code on the customer's shipping address to existing tax codes or groups in the following situations:

After comparing, if the system cannot find a tax code, then no tax is charged on the transaction.

You can choose to automatically select tax codes based on customer addresses by going to Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Set Up Taxes. On the United States subtab:


In NetSuite U.S. edition accounts without Advanced Taxes, a customer is not taxable only if the Taxable box is not checked and the Tax Item field is blank on the customer record. Previously, on the customer record, if the Tax Item field has a value, the system ignores it if the Taxable box is not checked. Similarly, the system ignores any tax codes or tax schedules selected on the item record or transaction record for that customer. In Version 2012, Release 2, a change in the tax lookup for U.S. edition NetSuite accounts removed the values in the Tax Item field on customer records in which the Taxable box is not checked. If you are using the Tax Item field for purposes other than tax lookup, manually set the Tax Item field back to its original value. If Tax Item field has a value, the tax lookup returns that value instead of not taxable even if the Taxable box is not checked. For example, you can set the Tax Item field to Avalara even if the Taxable box is not checked.

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