Uploading Files Through an Online Case Form

You can set up your online case forms to allow customers to upload files, such as screenshots, that help your support reps resolve cases. Uploaded files can be up to 10 MB in size.

When a file is uploaded through an online case form, the file is attached to the case record in the following places:

Screenshot of the Incident Information page, Messages subtab on the Communications subtab where the user is uploading an attachement.

Files uploaded through online case forms are saved in the File Cabinet in the Attachments Received folder. This folder contains subfolders named for the customer record who filed the case. If the file is too large or of an unsupported type, the case is saved, but the file is not uploaded.

To allow files to be uploaded through an online case form:

  1. Open the online case form record.

  2. On the Select Fields subtab, in the Field column, select File.

    You can also optionally do the following:

    • Enter a new label for the field.

    • Choose which section of your form the field will appear on.

    • Change the field width.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Click Save.

    The Choose File field will now be added to the case form as shown below.

    Screenshot of the online case form where the user is choosing a file to upload.

Related Topics

Creating an Online Case Form
Linking to Online Forms
Custom HTML Form Templates
Online Case Forms

General Notices