Site Features

Use the following information to help you determine whether to use Site Builder or Commerce web store solutions. The following table compares different Site Builder web sites with Commerce web stores.

Web Site Components

Site Builder

Commerce Web Store


Standard Site

Advanced Site Customization

Hosted HTML

External Catalog Site

Commerce Web Store Site

Look and Feel

Basic Site Themes and Layouts provided by NetSuite

Limited customization with CSS

Full customization

Full customization

Full customization

Site Setup

Point-and-click Web Site Setup page

Point-and-click Web Site Setup page

Point-and-click Web Site Setup page

Uploading HTML pages to file cabinet.

Point-and-click on Web Site Setup page

All web development and HTML file hosting outside of NetSuite

Advanced site setup page

Site Templates

Basic templates included

Basic templates included

HTML customization capabilities



Available for each module included in Commerce web store and fully customizable.

Site Development Tools


HTML customization capabilities in Themes and Layouts

NetSuite Web Site tags

HTML limited JavaScript and SuiteScript

HTML, and JavaScript

Developer Tools based on Node.js and Gulp.js. Developer Tools are delivered with the Commerce installation and integrated in a local development environment.

Product Display



Add links to NetSuite item records in your custom HTML.

Add links to NetSuite item records in your custom HTML .

Available through Item Search API

Related Topics

General Notices