Publishing an Employee Directory

Use NetSuite to create an employee directory that includes the name, phone number, and email address for each employee in your organization. You can publish an employee directory on your website, or make it available to a specific audience.

To create an employee directory:

  1. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Content Management > Publish Employee Directory. Click New.

  2. In the Category field, enter a name for the employee directory. The name you enter here becomes the link for the employee directory in your intranet site or Web site.

  3. Choose the site where you want to display the employee list.

  4. In the Subcategory of field, select the tab where you want to display the employee list.

  5. In the Organized By field, select the criteria by which you want to sort the employee list.

  6. If you want to display the employee list in your website, check the Display in Web Site box.

  7. If you do not want to display the employee list in your website, use the Audience subtab to select the people in your organization who can view the employee directory.

  8. Click Save.

You can enter optional information on the following subtabs:

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