External Catalog Site (WSDK) Overview

An External Catalog Site gives you the flexibility to use your own website, while taking advantage of NetSuite shopping cart and checkout capabilities.

When you use an External Catalog Site, your website is hosted by a third party, but the shopping cart, customer login, registration, and checkout pages are hosted by NetSuite. To enable the customer to navigate back and forth, you must copy and paste links from NetSuite into your website HTML, and you must provide NetSuite with links back to your site. Your customers can navigate your website, view items on your site, add items to the shopping cart, change item quantities, and submit orders.

If you want NetSuite to host all the pages of your web store or site, then you should not use the External Catalog Site feature. To learn more about different options, see Hosting HTML Websites with NetSuite Site Builder.

Benefits of Using an External Catalog Site

An External Catalog Site integrates your website with information stored in NetSuite, as well as ecommerce capabilities. Your site performs real-time queries of your inventory using scripts provided by NetSuite that you incorporate into your website HTML. You can choose to display the following product information along with an add to card button for each item:

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