Converting Classes to Locations

You can use the Locations feature to track inventory, employees, and transactions for multiple company locations. If you were previously using classes for this purpose, you can convert all your class information to location information.

When you use this feature, all class are converted to locations, including historical transactions. On financial reports that show classes or locations, values that previously appeared on class are now displayed on location.

You cannot convert classes to locations if you already have locations in the system. These existing locations must first be removed before you can convert classes to locations. In addition, each class can only have one subsidiary before being converted to locations.


The conversion process overrides existing locations, deletes all class information, and is irreversible.

To convert classes to locations:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Convert Classes.

  2. To convert your classes to locations, click Save.

  3. To view your new locations, go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations.

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