State 2 Pending Approval

After you set up State 1 Entry to determine which estimates require approval routing, set up State 2 Pending Approval to enable supervisors to approve or reject estimates. Create the two Add Button actions to add the Approve and Reject buttons. Then set up the transitions, which depend on which button is clicked when the supervisor views the record.


The Approve and Reject buttons only appear if the user viewing the record is the supervisor for the sales rep.

To set up State 2 Pending Approval:

  1. Make sure the Estimate Approval Routing workflow is open from the step State 1 Entry.

  2. To create the Add Button action for the Approve button, do the following:

    1. In the Workflow Diagrammer, click State 2 Pending Approval.

    2. In the context panel, on the State tab, click New Action.

    3. In the New Action window, click Add Button.

    4. In the Basic Information section, in the Trigger On field, select Before Record Load.

    5. In the Condition section, select Visual Builder.

    6. Click the Open icon to open the Condition Builder, and create a condition with the following properties:

      Column Name



      Sales Rep



      Compare Type

      any of


      Current User

    7. Click Add, and then click Save to save the condition.

    8. In the Parameters section, in the Label field, enter Approve.

    9. Click Save to save the action.

  3. To create the Add Button action for the Reject button, do the following:

    1. In the Workflow Diagrammer, click State 2 Pending Approval.

    2. In the context panel, on the State tab, click New Action.

    3. In the New Action window, click Add Button.

    4. In the Basic Information section, in the Trigger On field, select Before Record Load.

    5. In the Condition section, select Visual Builder.

    6. Click the Open icon to open the Condition Builder, and create a condition with the following properties:

      Column Name



      Sales Rep



      Compare Type

      any of


      Current User

    7. Click Add, and then click Save to save the condition.

    8. In the Parameters section, in the Label field, enter Reject.

    9. Click Save to save the action.

  4. To set up the transition to Step 3 Approve if the supervisor clicks the Approve button, do the following:

    1. In the Workflow Diagrammer, double-click the transition arrow from State 2 Pending Approval to State 3 Approve.

    2. In the Workflow Transition window, in the Execute on Button field, select Approve.

    3. Click Save to save the transition.

  5. To set up the transition to Step 4 Reject if the supervisor clicks the Reject button, do the following:

    1. In the Workflow Diagrammer, double-click the transition arrow from State 2 Pending Approval to State 4 Reject.

    2. In the Workflow Transition window, in the Execute on Button field, select Reject.

    3. Click Save to save the transition.

Next Step: To continue with the estimate approval workflow example, go to State 3 Approved.

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