Sharing a Bundle

By default, new bundles are created as private, meaning the bundle can only be installed in other accounts to which you have administrator access. You can choose to share a bundle with a selected list of accounts or make it publicly available to all NetSuite accounts.

For shared and publicly available bundles, you can also indicate whether the bundle is visible in basic search results for all users, including those who do not have access to install the bundle.


Only administrators and users with roles that have the SuiteApp Marketplace permission can share bundles.

To share a bundle:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Create Bundle > List.

  2. In the Action list for the bundle you want to share, click Set Availability.

  3. On the Bundle Availability page, choose a value for the Level field:

    • Private – A private bundle is only accessible to other accounts to which you have administrator access. This is useful during development and testing, before you are ready to share the bundle with others.

      It is a best practice that bundles in sandbox or other development accounts have a Level of Private.

      The Visible By All option is disabled and cannot be edited for a private bundle.

    • Shared – Administrators of accounts that you list in the Shared Account IDs field can view and install a shared bundle from a deployment account if the bundle is copied there.

      If the Visible By All box is checked, all users can view the bundle in basic search results. This visibility advertises the bundle to users who do not have install access and enables users with install access to find the bundle, as they do not need to know an account ID.

    • Public – Any NetSuite administrator can view and install a public bundle from a deployment account if the bundle is copied there.

      If the Visible By All box is checked, all users can view the bundle in basic search results, so they do not need to know an account ID to install the bundle.


    You cannot make a configuration bundle public.

  4. If you have set the Level to Shared, enter the account IDs of the NetSuite accounts with which you want to share your bundle.

    The account ID is the number that is shown when you click SuiteAnswers on the Support tab and then click Contact Support by Phone on the SuiteAnswers site. This is usually a 6 or 7-digit number. You can separate account IDs with commas.

  5. If you have set the Level to Shared or Public, you can clear the Visible By All box if you do not want the bundle to be returned in basic search results.

    • If this option is enabled, the bundle is visible in all users' basic search results, which for shared bundles, includes users who do not have access to install the bundle.

    • If this option is disabled, the bundle is not returned in basic search results. Users with access to install the bundle can find it through an advanced search.

  6. Click Save.


A bundle that is shared with a production account is automatically shared with the first sandbox account associated with that production account because the two accounts share an ID. However, you must explicitly share the bundle with any additional sandbox accounts associated with that production account because they have different account IDs.

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