Effects of Account Configuration in SOAP Web Services

Form customization in an account or enabling or disabling features may result in required fields being added to various forms used on records. For each SOAP web services request, fields available for the specified record are validated against the data being submitted, and errors are returned where field validation fails. However, for get, add, addList and search requests, it is possible that the field requirements change mid-request, resulting in errors for a subset of the request.

For example, suppose you want to submit 20 new customer records using the addList operation. Upon submission, field validation passes for the request. However, after the first 15 customers are added, the required fields may be changed within your NetSuite account, causing an error to be returned for the 5 remaining items.


For more specific information on working with NetSuite records, fields, and forms in SOAP web services, see Records, Fields, Forms, and Sublists in SOAP Web Services.

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