Setting Up SuiteSignOn Integration


You should use NetSuite as OIDC Provider as an outbound single sign-on method for use with integrations. For more information, see NetSuite as OIDC Provider.

The following tasks can be completed by users with the SuiteSignOn permission. However, most of these tasks will be completed by application providers wanting to implement a SuiteSignOn integration with NetSuite.

Administrators can perform some of these tasks when working with an application provider. Typically administrators complete the tasks outlined in Making SuiteSignOn Integrations Available to Users.

Summary of integration tasks:

  1. Enable the SuiteSignOn feature and other required SuiteCloud features in your NetSuite account. See SuiteSignOn Required Features.

  2. Application providers must add required code to their application to support the exchange of token (handshake) and shared secret information with NetSuite. For sample code, see SuiteSignOn Definitions, Parameters, and Code Samples. These code additions include:

    • A verify call in the HTTP header and code that requests token verification from NetSuite

    • (Optional) SOAP web services calls to transfer data between NetSuite and your application

  3. Create one or more custom subtabs, portlets, Suitelets or user event scripts to be connection points that provide access to the integrated application. See Creating SuiteSignOn Connection Points.


    Only a Suitelet connection point is supported for SuiteSignOn access from your web store.

  4. (Optional) Define any custom entity fields as user identification fields.

    1. Ensure that these fields have been created, and that the Available to SuiteSignOn box is checked.


      Do not check the Use Encrypted Format box.

    2. You must determine a way for administrators to enter or import values for these fields as needed.

    See Using Custom Fields as SuiteSignOn User Identification.

  5. Create a NetSuite SuiteSignOn record. See Creating SuiteSignOn Records.

  6. (Application providers) Create a SuiteBundle that includes SuiteSignOn connection data and custom objects, write bundle documentation instructing administrators how to set it up in their accounts, and make the bundle available to NetSuite users. See Creating a SuiteSignOn Bundle.

  7. (NetSuite administrator) Install the SuiteSignOn bundle created by the application provider. See Making SuiteSignOn Integrations Available to Users.

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