Localization Context Filtering in SDF

SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) supports localization context filtering for SuiteScript 2.0 user event and client scripts. A record’s localization context represents the country or countries associated with that record. Localization context filtering is set up in the Localization Context field on the Context Filtering subtab of the script deployment record. This setting controls the records on which user event and client scripts run, based on the localization context of the records. For example, if a script has the localization context of France set on its deployment record, it runs only on records that have a localization context of France. It does not run on records with other localization contexts.

Localization context can be configured in usereventscript and clientscript custom objects by specifying locales in the localizationcontext field. For usereventscript objects, you can specify all locales using the alllocalizationcontexts field.

If a script has localization context filtering set up in custom objects in a SuiteCloud project, that filtering works in all target accounts where the SuiteCloud project is deployed. The context filtering also works in accounts when an SDF SuiteApp is installed from the SuiteApp Marketplace.

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