Configure Search Indexing

The catalog is crawled and indexed so users can quickly find content when they search.

  1. In the Home page, click the user profile icon and then click Administration.
  2. Click Configure Crawl.
  3. To ensure that users find the most recent information when they search for catalog content (analyses, dashboards, and reports), in the Catalog page, you must specify what to index. In most cases you shouldn't have to modify the settings in this tab.
    • Confirm that Index is selected in the Crawl Status column for each top level folder, otherwise no folders in the catalog are indexed, and the Home page search returns very limited and possibly no results.
    • Use the Catalog Object (Shared Folders) list to browse for and specify which folders, sub-folders, and items you want to index or not index. Select only the items needed to create useful search results. Indexing all items yields too many similar search results.
    • Oracle recommends that you don't set the Crawl Status field to Don't Index as a way of hiding an item from users. Users won't see the item in search results or on the Home page, but are still able to access the item. Instead, use permissions to apply the proper security to the item.