Schedule Regular Content Crawls of Catalog Objects

It’s the administrator’s job to select which folders to crawl and schedule when and how often to crawl the content.

  1. In the Home page, click My Profile and then click Administration.
  2. Click Configure Crawl.
  3. In the User to Run Crawl As field, enter an administrative user.
  4. For Languages, select all the languages for which you want to create indexes.
    Crawl results are added to the index in the languages that you specify. For example, if your company's headquarters are in the United States, and you have offices in Italy, then you can choose English and italiano to create an indexes in both English and Italian.
  5. Click Select Date and Time to select the date and time to begin the crawl.
  6. Select how often the crawl runs by providing values in the Run Every and Frequency fields.
    By default the catalog is crawled once daily. When the catalog is updated, the index is updated automatically.
  7. To select which catalog objects get indexed, select Index User Folders to index the users’ private content. By default Index User Folders is selected.
  8. Select the folders you want the crawl to include by selecting Index. Exclude any folders that contain content you don't want others to find when they search by selecting Don’t Index.
  9. Click Save.