Monitor Users Who Are Signed In

You can see how many users are signed in to your service and view detailed information about each user from the Manage Session page.

  • User ID: Name that the user entered when they signed in.
  • Host Address: Name of the host computer.
  • Session ID: Unique identifier assigned to the user for each user session.
  • Browser Info: Information about the browser used to sign in.
  • Logged On: Time when the user signed in.
  • Last Access: Time stamp for the last activity for this user. This can be any kind of activity, such as switching from one page to another.
  1. In the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Home page, click My Profile, and then click Administration.
  2. Click Manage Sessions.

    The Sessions section at the top of the page shows how many users are currently signed in (Total Number of Sessions) and detailed information about these users.

  3. To monitor a particular user, select Filter Cursors by Session.

    Information for this user displays in the Cursor Cache table.

    Click Clear Filter to show information for all users.

  4. To change how messages are logged for a particular user, select a Log Level from the list.

    By default, logging is disabled.